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Brand Name:Swiss HCG /Water
Generic Name:Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Presentation:5000IU / Vial × 10 Vials


Buy Livzon HCG 5000 IU online.HCG is used medically to positively influence ovulation in women, and to help produce estrogen. It is also utilized in fertility medicine to aid in ovulation. Male bodybuilders use HCG for another important reason. It is almost exactly the same amino acid sequence as Luteinizing Hormone (LH). LH is normally produced in the pituitary gland, which is then circulated to the testes where it contacts the Leydig cells. The Leydig cells then produce androgens such as testosterone. Obviously this means so-called natural bodybuilders reported use of HCG to increase endogenous (natural) testosterone levels. According to some clinical studies this works so well that an injection of 1500-2000IU of HCG has increased plasma testosterone levels 200-300% over normal levels. For those males who utilized high aromatizing AAS, HCG is a “partial” cure for restarting natural testosterone production either mid or post-cycles.

Livzon HCG 5000 IU is a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). It comes in product packaging of 1 vial of 5000IU. Like any other products containing HCG, Livzon is a potent compound and gives out astonishing results. The product can be bought over the counter even without prescriptions.

What is the product? 

HCG 5000 is a polypeptide hormone that was initially derived from women who were pregnant. HCG is now synthetically produced by a lot of pharmaceutical companies. Originally it was used for treating virility in women, depression, obsessive eating, and other diseases. However, nowadays, it is widely used to treat very low testosterone levels in men. It is found to be very useful for weight management too.

How does it work?  

HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is high quality and very pure HCG that was used for ovulation and to treat infertility in women. HCG is a hormone that helps develop eggs in the ovary and stimulates the release of eggs during the ovulation period.Buy Livzon HCG 5000 IU online

It has also been successfully used to increase the sperm count in men. The hormone is mostly used as a treatment line in young boys whose testicles have not dropped down generally to the scrotum. This usually happens when there is a disorder in the pituitary gland functions.

How to use it?

Livzon HCG must be taken in measured doses. The dosage must not be erratically increased or lowered as this adversely affects the body. It helps in recovering from various anabolic steroid cycles. It is a good idea to take the product at well-spaced intervals. Taking it excessively and prolonged periods can damage the Leydig cells and prove more harmful than beneficial in some cases.

The ideal dosage is between 250 and 500 IU to be taken about one to three times weekly during the steroid cycle. In case you want to increase the dosage, you may do it once from 500 to 1000IU and simultaneously reduce the frequency to two times a week.


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