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Brand Name:Kigtropin 10IU
Generic Name:Human Growth Hormone
Presentation:10IU(2.6mg) / Vial × 10 Vials


Buy Kigtropin 10iu Online for cheap price.For adults with growth hormone deficiency, KIGTROPIN reduces fat mass, increases muscle mass and improves energy, vitality and subjective well-being.
In patients suffering from severe burns, AIDS associated muscle wasting, or undergoing major operations, KIGTROPIN promotes wound healing, attenuates the protein-catabolic response and improves whole-body nitrogen condition after operation.

Kigtropin Hgh Dosage
Before administration, add 1ml of sterile water to the syringe of the rhGH vial of Lyophilized powder along the syringe’s wall slowly. Shake it gently to fully dissolve the powder to get clarified solution. DO NOT shake violently. For anti-aging, general health and healing, fat mobilization, a dose of 2-3 IU’s per day will be sufficient for the majority of people. A dose of 1.5 to 2.0 IU’s is considered to be a full replacement dose for those in their middle-age and beyond.

For gaining lean muscle and substantially improving body composition, a dose of 4-8 IUs per day will be necessary. Most people will respond very well to a dose of 4-5 IU’s per day. For full benefit in this regard, the addition of Testosterone, Insulin, and low-dose t3 would be something to seriously consider. More on this in our comparative cycle guide of HGH/Insulin/IGF. The recommended dosage for injection is 0.1-0.15IU/kg/day. Inject before sleeping every day at the same time and the local of injection should be changed frequently to avoid lipoatrophy, or follow the physician’s advice.

Kigtropin Storage

Store in the refrigerator between 2-8ºC, away from light.

How does HGH work?

Growth hormone influences the body both by itself only and through so-called somatomedins – A, B, C.
IGF-1 has significant anabolic effects. Most of the HGH effects, including the muscle growth, fat burning, healing of injuries, muscle cell division, is performe by the IGF-1.
It is produce mostly by the liver, and, in low amounts, by muscle, bone, and skin tissue. Then IGF-1 circulates to tissues and enhances their growth.
IGF-2 (insulin-like growth factor) is responsible for child growth before birth. IGF-2 divides body cells, including muscle and bone cells. Researchers have discovered, that IGF-2 local injections stimulate bone development.

Buy Kigtropin 10iu Online for cheap price
Vitronectin – its functions haven’t been fully discovered yet, but the research shows that vitronectin is likely to have some anabolic functions.
Also, GH influences body on its own, by increasing metabolic velocity (REE) by 20%, which is useful for fat loss.

Kigtropin Effects

o Accelerates muscle protein synthesis, which leads to muscle growth.
o Prevents proteins and amino acids breakdown – catabolism.
o Helps to burn fat, increasing the level of FFA (free fatty acids).
o Increases bone mineral density.
o Accelerates collagen and elastin synthesis, thus healing cartilage and improving skin.
o Improves the immune system.
o Diminishes the extra cholesterol in the blood.
o Improves the cardiovascular system.



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