Domestic steroids with PayPal is an anabolic steroid (DHT) dihydrotestosterone derivative with a short half life. Many times it is categorize as a powerful anabolic with anti-estrogenic properties.
Is a modify form of drostanolone, where a carboxylic acid ester (propionic acid) is attach to the 17-beta hydroxyl group. Esterify steroids is less polar than free steroids, and are absorb more slowly from the area of injection. The hals-life of drostanolone propionate is approximately two days after injection.Buy Drostanolone Propionate online
Form of use
Shake well before use. Via administration injection into deep intramuscular form. Under no circumstances is this substance to be administer in an intravenous form. Consult with your physician for recommended doses, treatment period and side effects. If you notice any adverse reactions discontinue use immediately.Domestic steroids with PayPal
Male use
This drug is usually injected three times per week in a typically doses of 200-400mg, which is taken for 6 to 12 weeks.
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Female use
BUY MASTERON 100 is use for physique performance purposes in a dosages of 50mg per week, taken for 4 to 6 weeks. Virilization symptoms are rare in doses of 100mg per week or below.discontinue use immediately.
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