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Sustanon 400
This product is a trade name owned by Organon Pharmaceuticals for oil-based injectable blends of esterized testosterone compounds.
Sustanon is a fairly popular anabolic steroid product among bodybuilders and athletes for muscle building purposes as well as other reasons such as andropause.
Name:Sustanon 450
Assay: each 25%.
Packing: secure disguised packaging.
Delivery: Express courier.
The min. order is 100ml.
Character: Yellow liquid.
Usage: bodybuilding, musle mass.Pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin. As a male hormone and anabolic hormones.Semi-finished Injectable steroids Oil online
Sustanon400 (Concentration:200MG/ML ; 250MG/ML ; 300MG/ML):is an oil-based steroid designed to increase strength and body weight. Sustanon 400 is a mix of four different test esters that are injected in the muscles and slowly released in the body over time. The sustanon250 includes 30 mg of testosterone propionate, 60 mg of testosterone phenylprpionate.
Recipe for Sustanon 400mg/ml
– enhancement of muscle mass;
– stimulation of appetite;
– anticatabolic effects;
– enhancement of number of red blood cells in blood;
– improvement of oxygen transportation;
– increase of endurance;
– increase of libido (during administration of Sustanon 400).
250mg per Week
At a usage level of 250 mg/week, Sustanon provides basically only a high level of testosterone replacement therapy. Individuals with low testosterone may see a marked improvement, but many with mid-normal or high natural testos terone will see little added effect at this dosage level. Yet, Sustanon is suppressive of the hypothalamus and pituitary at this dosage and will largely shut down natural testos terone production while being use. So, this dosage has relatively little of the benefits of most steroid cycles, but shares the adverse side effect of suppressed testos terone production.Buy semi finished sustanon 400 oils online
Additional information
Quantity | 500ml, 1Lt |
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